News 17/12/2012

It's been a while since I've written one of these. I have tonnes of news regarding the channel, and the future. So let's get right in to it. partnership 

I'd like to officially announce, a partnership with with Retro Game Reviews. They're a website dedicated to reviewing retro video games. Of course, name pretty much speaks for its self, and were looking to move in to doing video reviews.  I sent them an email, suggesting the partnership, and we partnered with them, to help supply video reviews for their vastly growing site. It helps everyone out really. Them with video reviews, us with a new audience... SO HURRAY FOR ALL!


I'm sure by now, you've notice that I've totally re-branded the channel. I'd like to thank Matt at Retro Game Reviews for providing the new logos, and further giving me inspiration to create other things out of them, such as the background. I'm not going to go as far as re-branding the old videos, that would be too much work, and I'd rather concentrate on the future.

Upcoming reviews

Today I finished the first video under the... newness It's The Story Of Thor. A game I talked abotu a while ago on the top 10 mega drive video. Check it out here.

I have a few retro reviews in mind at the moment. Including Resident Evil 2, Die Hard Trilogy, and a NES, or SNES Mario game. Of course this new partnership doesn't mean that we won't be reviewing newer games anymore. Prototype 2, and the Darkness 2 are both on the cards, and should be up within the next few weeks.

As always thanks for reading, and don't forget to checkout

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