Update Next upcoming video's/ future plans

Well it's been about a week since I last posted one of these, a lot as happened since then, and a lot of new plans have been made regarding the channel.

First up. The buffy the vampire slayer review is finished, and can be found here once its completed uploading http://youtu.be/JXsiyBHZH40. It's in quite a different style to my usual reviews, it's also a little longer. But I believe this is probably one of, if not the best video I've made so far. All future reviews (until I find a better style I'm comfortable with) will be in this style.

My new PVR as obviously finally arrived, and has been used to record the buffy footage. So this means a lot more console games, infact mostly console games. As the new videos are uploaded, I may start to take the older ones down.

Secondly, a new reviewer as joined our ranks. He'll simply be known as "angry old man". His first video, comparison of playstation era first person shooters, should be up in a couple of weeks, since we have to acquire the games first. he may do a gameplay video of something before then though.

Ok future video plans from me now.

Driver San Francisco 

This is a game I've been wanting to review for absolutely ages. So therefore will be the next major video. I was a huge fan of the driver series on the playstation. But totally lost interest, after Driv3r, since it was such a huge disappointment. So what do I think of this one? Find out soon!

Top 20 Playstation Games 

This is a project that's grown since the last post. It's gone from top 10, to top 20. Because, I found my self simply leaving too many games out that I wanted to talk about. I've already finalised the countdown, and I've started to write the script. It may still take a few weeks to get around to actually turning what, at the moment is a word document in to a fully fledged video though. I keep going back to it in little chunks, and playing some more of the games. At the moment I have quite a few projects on my mind, that I'd rather do first.

Other ideas. In the next few months I also intend to purchase a camcorder, and start to show my self, and present it more like a show. This will also allow me to do other game related videos, such as hardware videos, and maybe certain tutorials such as, how to start a game channel your self, and document the work that also goes in to making some of these videos. I also may start renting games soon, to review. This will allow me to broaden my scope a lot, of what types of games I'm able to review. For example I'd love to review The London 2012 Olympics game, Golden Axe Rider, game of thrones, other abominations. But I don't feel like actually spending real money paying for them, It will also allow me to review a lot more newer, decent games, that I normally wouldn't have the capital to go out buy.
This is going to be put on hold for a little while. It's a project I feel strongly about. I also feel I'm improving my style and ability to edit and produce videos with every one I make. So for that reason, I'd like to get more practice using the tools at my disposal, messing with video formats, and also more importantly getting better at voice overs. As I've already stated on other sources, this series isn't a simple review, and is going to be a much more in depth project on the whole franchise. It's still very much alive, I just don't think the time is right just yet. 

I may also start writing some articles on here if I have time. Such as first impressions, of games I've played and anything else I feel appropriate. But right now, the you tube channel is my biggest priority, and this is more a way to keep people who are interested informed of what's going on behind the scenes.  

So that's all the news I have right now for you 


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