Update 7/01/13

Well Onion's Game Corner is back, I hope you all had a good Christmas and such. The next Video should be uploaded by tomorrow morning. Prototype 2.

I've cancelled my Love Film subscription, because, I wasn't getting the games I wanted to review, and most of those video's were pretty uninteresting. I've decided to scrap, or atleast postpone for a very long time Darksiders II. That video just wasn't turning out all that well, I also didn't have enough time to finish it, before all the games had to be back. I also never got around to finishing the first game, so I should probably do that before going to the second one. Expect that, eventually.

Upcoming Videos

I've been trying to come up with a new series to go alongside the Retro, and Modern reviews. As I previously mentioned the magazine show, while I've not been able to get the support, and help I needed to produce this, as it was going to be a large task, that actually had a budget, I've decided to make a cut down version of this. I'll be commenting on gaming news, and quickly talking about games I've been playing but not bothered to do full reviews of. It should last around half an hour, I'll also try to think of other things to add to this. Each episode should last around half an hour, I still need to come up with a name for it though, which I've been unable to do yet. Any suggestions would be ideal.

Grandtheftathon, and Gaming legends is also still on the cards, although the latter may be incorporated in to Gaming Legends. I may also try to get Matt from Retro review to lend a hand with that one, but we'll see what happens. I feel I'm getting good enough at producing the videos now, to not make too much of a mess of this one, so we'll see in the coming months where this takes us

Upcoming Modern Reviews

Prototype 2

Of course this should be up by the time most people read this blog, but I found this quite an enjoyable game, and I guess the video really shows that.

Max Payne 3

This is going to be the video after. The footage is already recorded, and review basically written, although I still need to make changes to it. I actually finished this one on new years eve, exactly at 12am, How great was that? Another fantastic game from Rockstar, It should be online next week.

Upcoming Retro Reviews

Wonder Boy 3

The classic Master System gem, is still totally on the cards, this is also partly written/recorded (I've been busy) Expect this one in the next two weeks as well. I'll finish work on it once the Max Payne 3 video is done.

Vectrex Emulator

I'm sure anyone who follows Classic Game Room, or has seen the Ashens video knows what this obscure 80s console was. I stumbled across this over the holiday's. I'm yet undecided how best to approach this review. The Emulator is called ParaIVE. It also comes with most of the commercially available Vectex games (their wasn't many) So this is a really interesting one. Expect to see this video by February.

Onions Game Corner Website

Last but not least, I've also been partially looking in to making a full website for the channel, Hopefully this will get us more views. I also want to start writing proper articles on it, which I intended to do on this blog, but never really gotten around to them. I'd also like other people to help out with article writing, if you fancy your hand at writing game reviews, or any other ideas you may have, that may be interesting. submit them to thebigbadonion@yahoo.co.uk I'll publish any good ones, and give you credit etc. Of course, I've no idea when the website will actually be up and running, but it should be in the next 3 - 4 months depending on how busy I get. I may have to make videos less frequently in order to get it read. There's a lot of work in building a website.

Whew that's it. Thanks for reading, again I hope you had a great Christmas, and keep an eye on this blog for more upcoming video's, new, and eventually the website.


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