Update 27/10/12

Well The Dishonored review, and battlefield 3 reviews are up you can watch them off the bar at the side of this blog >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Silent Hill Downpour

This is likely going to be the next review. I've not played a Silent Hill game, since the second one on ps2, so I've missed out an awful lot on the series. I spent a few hours with it last night. While it's definitley moody and atpmospheric, there is a few little problems. Such as the lack of a decent fighting system, and it can be very slow at times. I'll give a full low down in the next week or two,

Retro Reviews

I'm going to start making a few more retro reviews after this one, as the retro videos seem to be the most popular, and where I pick up the most subscribers. A few games I have in mind are: Wonder Boy 3 for the master system. Story of thor, for the Mega Drive, and possibly streets of rage, also for the mega drive. If anyone has anything they'd like me to review, let me know, and I'll do my best to review it. 

Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception. 

This is going to be the next modern game. I've not actually played it yet, but love the uncharted games. so we'll be reviewing this soon. 

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