I'm proud to introduce a new segment, maybe even its own channel, Onion's movie corner. . I've been wanting to do movie reviews for a while, but not really been sure of the best way to go about them. With a little bit of experimentation, I think I finally cracked it  The reviews will be kept very short and to the point, there may also be other types of videos. I still have a lot of work to do on it, but the videos should be more regular, and in a much more comedic style, than the ones on game corner. It also gives me something else to do, and think about. Stay tuned for more information coming soon! 

Update 27/10/12

Well The Dishonored review, and battlefield 3 reviews are up you can watch them off the bar at the side of this blog >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Silent Hill Downpour

This is likely going to be the next review. I've not played a Silent Hill game, since the second one on ps2, so I've missed out an awful lot on the series. I spent a few hours with it last night. While it's definitley moody and atpmospheric, there is a few little problems. Such as the lack of a decent fighting system, and it can be very slow at times. I'll give a full low down in the next week or two,

Retro Reviews

I'm going to start making a few more retro reviews after this one, as the retro videos seem to be the most popular, and where I pick up the most subscribers. A few games I have in mind are: Wonder Boy 3 for the master system. Story of thor, for the Mega Drive, and possibly streets of rage, also for the mega drive. If anyone has anything they'd like me to review, let me know, and I'll do my best to review it. 

Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception. 

This is going to be the next modern game. I've not actually played it yet, but love the uncharted games. so we'll be reviewing this soon. 

Update 17/10/12

I've decided to just upload the sega classics collection review. It's encoding as I type this. The new format show is still in the works, but may not be ready for a few months, since there's a lot to sort out, organise, and persuasion, to be done to get people to help out. It's going to be far too much work for one person, with what I have planned, a team of a few people would be needed really. For now, I'll just continue to do the usual reviews, and will try to make them a little more entertaining.

The next review will be Dishonored, for the PS3. I've been spending quite a bit of time with this, so far so good. Although in parts it's pretty frustrating. Expect a review of this within the next week, maybe two. After I've gotten my claws stuck in to it, and given it a proper playthrough. In the meantime I may review the other game that was meant to be on the first episode of the new format. Wonderboy 3 for the Sega Master System.  

Some other reviews coming up are Silent hill downpour, and Battlefield 3 single player.


Update 07/10/12

First of all, I would like to say a big thanks to all those who have subscribed to us, and been reading the blog.

I know we've not released a video for a while, I've been busy trying to start a business.

The sega classics collection is officially scrapped as a review, this decision was made actually today, around half an hour ago, as I was far from happy with what I had.

I'll be quite honest, I've not been happy with what I've been putting out lately. Especially the last review, that driver SF review, while informative was immensely boring, more like the kind of thing you'd find on IGN, or some of the more boring nerdy channels. The main purpose of this channel, when I first set it up was to be entertaining, and informative, and more importantly good. I dislike my reviews my self for the most part, so how can anyone else possibly like them?

So I've been talking to the "new reviewer" who is yet unnamed or made any videos, but he does exist PROMISE! The format of the show is completely changing. To a monthly, perhaps 2 a month half hour(ish) magazine (Top Gear) style show... but with a much tinier budget.. of course. We'll be detailing different games, and have different sections of the show, including news, or more appropriately giving our opinion of recent gaming news, and of course mocking things, that's been going on int he gaming world. New releases of the month that we've played, Talking about random games we've been playing, this can be anything to the later ps3 games to NES games. and giving quick opinons of those, There will also be 1 review of a modern, hopefully newly released game, a retro game review, some other retro gaming related guff, and from time to time a special feature. Things like "gaming legends" and "grandtheftathon" will likely appear here. "Onion plays" will still be there own videos, although a lot more effort will be put in to them from now on.

But I feel the game reviews are too long and boring, and feel I have a lot more to talk about around the whole gaming industry, and community than simple game reviews that everyone else is doing, and in a lot of cases better than me. Of course we'll still be reviewing them, just not going in to as much boring detail as we have been. They'll likely be restricted to around 5 - 6 minutes. Most games will get a quick mention, a few jokes made out of it and then We'll move on to the next section. I'm hoping this will mean the videos will flow better, and be far more entertaining to watch. I'll also be giving my self much longer to work on them.

As for the details of the first episode, I've been hard at work today thinking of things, and doing much typing. I can confirm a few things, that will appear in the first episode. Firstly the classic game review will be Wonder Boy 3: The dragons Trap For the master system, and the sega classics collection review, that I've been working on for the last few weeks will also be consolidated in to the random games I want to talk about section, only much shorter, and much more to the point of course.

I'm also hoping I can get hold of a copy of F1 2012 (budget allowing) This will be the subject of the modern review, if not I'll have to find something else. We'll also be talking about the Wii u, and the Super Slim PS3 in the news section. I'll give much more information when everything is finalised, and filming and capturing of game footage starts. I'm not sure yet if we'll appear on camera, since we don't have a camcorder, but It's likely the only way we're going to pull it all together. Thanks for reading
