UPDATE: Upcoming Videos

So the last week or so I've been working extra hard on a few videos and I have one almost ready to go, We'll list them here.

Next Release: My Hero 
Sega Master System 

This is something, I've been wanting to do a review for for a while, it's such an awful game the comedy value is pretty high for it. This video is almost finished, I have all the footage I need/can stand to get, and the script is written. I just need to record the voice over, and put it all together. I'd say it should be up in the next day or 2

WIP - Pending a PVR 
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Chaos Bleeds - Xbox 

I didn't even realise I owned this game, this is in fairly early stages, I've started to play it and take down notes, and I have a wip script, which obviously can't be finished until I finish the game. This will be finished off as soon as I have a way to capture the footage
This is a project that's going to take a while to complete, I have the script for the first episode, or atleast the first 2 games more or less ready, but again, any further production is being hampered by lack of suitable capture device, which I should be able to buy this week.

This is going to be a pretty long, ambitious project, and is going to cover almost all the gta games from the first up to gta 4. It will be in a different style to my usual reviews, and will be more of a documentary, It's also going to have much higher production than most of my videos. It even has its own logo as you can see above. I don't know how long each episode will be. It may be 1 episode per game. Or I may do 2 or 3 games per episode. I'm not sure yet,  But look out for that in the near future. 

Top 10 Sony Playstation Games  

A lot of people seemed to like my last top 10 Videos, so I'm in the very early stages of producing this. All I really have right now is a list of candidates. Some of which I'm going to have to buy to be able to play, and decide what goes where. This one is definitely a few weeks away. But it's coming, and soon.

Here's the current list of candidates. If you can think of anything I've missed. apart from the obvious such as Spyro Gran Turismo Etc, which I've left off on purpose, drop me a comment.

tomb raider
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy 7
F1 97
Metal Gear
Medal Of Honor
Smack Down 2
Destruction Derby
Soul Reaver
Colony wars
Die hard
Syphon Filter
Colin Mcray
Odd World
Silent Hill
Dino Crisis
Test Drive

As always, subscribe to the channel and watch out for more videos coming soon :) 

- Onion

Future Plans, and updates and such.

Well, it's been quite some time since I posted anything on here. My You Tube channel was inactive for quite some time, since feburary, but I've decided to continue making videos and uploading them, because I do honestly enjoy it. I know they're not the best game videos on you tube, but they're far from the worst too. So essentially I'm back!

Video making 
 As some of you may be aware, I've been trying to upgrade my PC lately to improve the video quality. I ordered a Geforce GTX 560 from Scan.co.uk. It seemed to not actually exist. I waited 2 weeks for it to arrive, and of course it never did. So I ordered one from Amazon, a Radeon 6870. That was faulty, it worked for like 2 hours, while it did it was incredibly loud, like ear piercing kind of loud, then when I restarted my pc, it just wouldn't recognise it, and kept trying to use the onboard video. It could also be my power supply I'm not sure which. I've decided to shelve this idea until I'm able to just build a whole new system, and start from scratch. Instead, once I receive a refund, I'm going to invest in an HD PVR and start to make videos for console games instead.

Upcoming Videos

From now on I'll be making reviews as and when I feel like it, but I'll only be uploading one a week, either Saturday or Sunday, depending on when I have videos ready. The next review I can confirm is definitley going to be "Mcdonald's Treasure Land" for the Mega Drive this video is finished and ready to go, but you'll have to wait until next week :p

After that. I plan on making a multi part series on grand theft auto series, going from the first game, to Grand Theft Auto 4. The first review in that series should be up the week after the mcdonald's video. But this reliant on me getting a working copy of the game, since I can't get either the free version off rockstars website to work, or my boxed cd rom copy. I will likely end up getting the Playstation version, and recording footage that way.

As for the Onion Play's series, they will be uploaded as and when I feel like it, since they take very little work. 

So that's all there is to say.

Subscribe to the channel, comment rate, same on here and have a good evening/night!