Welcome - First post

Well this is the first post on this blog. So I suppose I should tell you all a little of what it's about. Some of you may know, I already have a you tube channel with game videos, mostly reviews. I've not been making any for a while with one thing or another. But I'm back! This time though it's also going to be supported by this blog. As well as video reviews I'll also be posting articles on here. Including reviews of games I cant make videos for, such as console games (as I have no way to record them without it looking awful) Also other random stuff of my thoughts on things going on in the video game industry. I don't pretend to be some kind of expert. But I'm quite knowledgeable and passionate about the subject so yeah Hopefully It will spiral in to something good. Leave comments, maybe suggestions The you tube channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/mrbigbadonion?feature=mhee

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