Skyrim - PC BUGS

 One of the best games in a long time yet at the same time so frustrating

I can't say enough of how great skyrim is. I've spent every waking hour almost since the 11th just playing it. It's an absolutely amazing game, yet at the same time due to major technical issues probably one of most broken games I've played for a long time. I'm going to go in a lot more detail about it in the video review, I'm in the process of writing right now. It should be up later this week/early next week. 

But this is more detailing the bugs I've experienced since playing it. Most of them are unacceptable in any game, and really ruin the experience of what is otherwise a fantastic game.

I've played it both on PC and PS3.

The biggest and most irritating issue on the PS3 is the frame rate. Sometimes it slows down to the point, where the game is completely unplayable. This isn't an isolated incident. It's something everyone has been experiencing. Also graphical glitches especially before installing the day 1 patch. Going to the city of windhelm is interesting to say the least. you get greeted by flickering textures and greyed out areas. Stability is an issue too. The game crashes quite a lot locking the ps3 up completely. Such poor frame rate is unacceptable on a console game, it really was like playing it on a pc which couldn't handle the game.

Some of the PC bugs are far worse. with unfinishable quests and the stabilitiy is just atrocious. One quest especially springs to mind. Without going too much in to detail. Theirs a quest where you have to find this guy in the Ratways in Riften (this by the way is a main story quest not some side quest) You get there and theres no speech whatsoever you can respond to him but you don't know what you're responding to since he isnt talking. Even with subtitles on you can't read them they flash up too fast. There is a solution to this however. You need to extract the sound files using a bsa extractor that it's missing in to the data folder. If you don't know how to do that theirs a link here to download the actual sound files

Just place the entire folder in the data folder in the Skyrim directory. So that one is easy enough to fix. There's a lot of other little bugs that aren't important enough to really mention. In a game of this size and complexity there's going to be some. 

But the bugs I've mentioned really shouldn't be present , and makes me wonder if this game was tested at all, and leads me to believe that the game was rushed and would have clearly benefited from another few months in development, and testing, I really don't see why the people spending the best part of £40 on the game should be the ones to test it, and have there experience ruined by companies rushing products to market.

I'll be detailing this more in the review, and although I love the game, these things can't be ignored and it's going to suffer from it. It's also the first game I'm scoring out of 100, which I'm going to do from now on. 

Vanquish Xbox 360 First Impressions

Literally since the 11th of November I've done very little but play Skyrim. I finally Dragged my self away from it today. Dusted off my Xbox 360 and found the unopened love film envelope i got days ago. Inside was Vanquish. The things I was thinking about this Game during the hour or so I spent with it, actually inspired me to reignite the Game Corner. I was literally quietly laughing to my self. If only I could make a video of it.

Now Don't get me wrong it's not a bad game from what I've played of it so far. But the japanese cheesyness has to be laughed at. although we'll get to that in a minute. You start off with this tutorial telling you how to move. (Yeah in case you cant figure out what those two grey sticks on the controller do.) Even if you've never played a video game before, if you lack the intelligence to figure that out in the first few seconds of the game, you're going to have some serious issues. These tutorials, a lot of the time bug the crap out of me. Once you've learned how to move and shoot you get thrust in to this cheesy cut scene with evil russians blowing up San Francisco this is kind of cool., but once that scene is over the real cheesyness starts. At this point you start to wonder when the game is actually going to let you play. Suddenly you're greeted with a scene of your character smoking a cigarette in a very camp and amusing way, he's obviously supposed to look bad ass and cool, but it really doesn't come off like that. It's only a style Japanese video game designers can pull off and try to be serious.

Then you meet the big brute who is your boss, I think. He reminded me very much of Barret off final fantasy 7. Just that kind of character. The cheesy clichés continue for a little while, and shit blows up (in the overly long cut scenes obviously) Then you finally get to take control of your character, and in metal gear solid style you run down a corridor and then you get thrust in to yet another cut scene. Now I'm sorry but I've sat here long enough watching this. I'm all for advancement of the story but If I wanted to watch a movie I'd have put a DVD in to the Xbox and not a game.

Gameplay Impressions.

I have to stress that I didn't spend that long playing it. I had other things to do and decided to start this blog. But the impressions of the game play I got from this are actually pretty good. It reminds me a lot of the gears of war series only less violent since you seem to be fighting robots. The abilities the suit gives you are kind of cool (Yeah I should really explain this a bit better) Your camp character wears this mechanical super suit. Which makes him stronger tougher blah blah blah. But you have certain moves like this jet powered slide effort which just seemed quite cool when i tried it. 

The gun fights are very Gears of warish. Take cover, blast the enemies move forward etc. 

A full review will come soon. But for now That's all I have to say about the game.

Welcome - First post

Well this is the first post on this blog. So I suppose I should tell you all a little of what it's about. Some of you may know, I already have a you tube channel with game videos, mostly reviews. I've not been making any for a while with one thing or another. But I'm back! This time though it's also going to be supported by this blog. As well as video reviews I'll also be posting articles on here. Including reviews of games I cant make videos for, such as console games (as I have no way to record them without it looking awful) Also other random stuff of my thoughts on things going on in the video game industry. I don't pretend to be some kind of expert. But I'm quite knowledgeable and passionate about the subject so yeah Hopefully It will spiral in to something good. Leave comments, maybe suggestions The you tube channel is